Our Services

  • Pre Divorce

    • Unsure whether to separate or divorce – we can help you consider your options

    • Demystifying the divorce process – we can explain what it would entail

    • Broaching the subject with your partner and wider family and friends – we can discuss your concerns and give you the confidence to take that initial step

    • Putting together a legal and financial team that is right for you – we can discuss who would be best placed to achieve your goals and objectives

    • Anxious about interactions with lawyers – we can accompany you to meetings with your legal team, as well as assist you in asking the right questions, understand your options and the advice given

  • Mid divorce

    • Finding the process overwhelming – we can offer your expert unbiased practical and emotional advice and support

    • Concerned about spiralling legal costs – we can help you to work better and more cost effectively with your legal team

    • Tensions running high and impacting all areas of your life – we can help you navigate a high conflict divorce, including the impact this can have on your work, family and friends

    • Frustrated by seemingly never ending information and documentation requests from your legal team – we can assist you in preparing initial drafts and collating financial and other information and documentation required for the divorce process

    • Need expert evidence or valuations – we can help guide you through the process

    • Apprehensive about having difficult conversations with your legal team – we can assist you in maintaining a good working relationship with your wider divorce team

    • Upcoming court hearing – we can help you mentally prepare for any upcoming court hearing, including what to expect on the day, what to wear, familiarisation with the process of giving oral evidence, and accompanying you on the day.

  • Post Divorce

    • We can assist with any practical implications of a court order e.g. selling a property, or closing joint bank accounts etc.

    • We can support you as you re-build your life and plan for your future

    • We can help you to alleviate any anxieties you harbour about re-entering the dating world, or expanding your social circles

    • We can troubleshoot any issues that may arise with your ex-partner post divorce, and how to deal with them

    • We can encourage you to prioritise your mental health and wellbeing, and look to put in place support systems. You do not have to be defined by your divorce

  • Children

    • Anxious about how to tell your children about your separation or divorce – we can discuss your concerns, and devise a strategy to tackle this

    • Co-parenting proving problematic – we can help to narrow the issues in play, and develop a structure that works best for you and your children

    Struggling to cope as a single parent – we can assist you to put in place appropriate coping mechanisms in place

    • Wanting to minimise the impact of your divorce on your children, and coping with the new family dynamic – we can listen and discuss how best to support them

    • Thinking about your children’s future – we can consider schooling options with you and how to manage the selection process with your partner

Who we work with

Over the years, we have built up a considerable network of key professionals who have extensive experience of the matrimonial process and all that it entails.

We can help you curate the best team of professionals, making the selection process less daunting and as seamless as possible, whilst also optimising your prospects of success.

We recommend that you get in contact with us, so that we can learn more about your situation and how we can best help you. However, as an initial guide, please note that we work with:

  • We work with both men and women who are married, co-habiting or in a civil partnership.

    However, please do note that, given our commitment to each of our clients receiving the highest quality service, we only work with a limited number of individuals to ensure that our standards are maintained, and each client receives our proper and dedicated attention.

  • Please note that we do not act as lawyers and our services compliment the work of your legal team, rather than replace it. That being said, we regularly work alongside matrimonial solicitors, and barristers (or “Counsel” as they are sometimes referred to in the industry) providing you with additional assistance and support as and when it is required.

    We also work with “Direct Access” barristers, i.e. barristers who you can instruct directly, by virtue of the Direct Access Scheme.

  • We work closely with therapists, psychologists, mediators, pension advisors/actuaries, financial and wealth management advisors, expert valuers, as well as other lawyers in differing fields and jurisdictions.

We offer in-person and remote options

We understand the importance of both comfort and convenience when discussing personal and private matters, which is why we offer both in-person and remote meetings.

Our clients are predominantly based in central London, but we are more than happy to discuss meeting in alternative locations.

Please do not hesitate to contact us so that we may discuss how best to cater to your individual needs.



why do i need you in addition to my legal team?

Whilst we were both former family law practitioners, we do not function as lawyers in this role, and, in turn, we do not offer legal advice. Instead, our work dovetails with that of your legal team. Our experience means that we can anticipate the issues that you may face during each stage of the process, and can work with you and your legal team to ensure that you have both the practical and emotional support that you need throughout the process.

what can you do to save me money?

During our initial consultation, we will explore how our services may best benefit you. However, generally speaking, it is much more cost effective to rely on us to provide you with practical and emotional support, which can then enable your legal team to focus on the legal issues in your case and the strategy to be adopted.

In addition to this, and by way of one example, we can assist you in preparing first drafts of typically time-consuming and labour-intensive work, such as Forms E, Replies to Questionnaire, and Section 25 statements, as well as collating all of the relevant supporting documents, which can then be sent to your lawyers to finalise and add any legal arguments to. In our experience, this initial groundwork can dramatically reduce your legal fees and ensure that they are proportionate to the relevant exercise. Please contact us to learn more about our services, and how we can assist you in this regard.

what are your fees?

We will discuss an appropriate fee arrangement with you during our initial consultation. We appreciate that every case is different and this will undoubtedly impact upon the level of our involvement you may want or require from us. We do, however, pride ourselves on total transparency when it comes to our fees, and they will always be agreed with you in advance of us undertaking any work.

when is the best time to engage your services?

The simple answer is that there is no “best time”. You can engage us at any point, be that at the outset when you are not quite sure if you want to pursue a separation or divorce, during mediation or matrimonial proceedings, or at their conclusion. Everyone and every case is different, and we understand that the support mechanisms we offer are required at different junctures and for different periods of time. 

If you have a specific query, or want to learn more about how we can assist you, please do not hesitate to contact us.