helping you to

divorce better

Introducing Pierce & Groves: for all of your practical and emotional needs Pre, mid and post divorce

We are former matrimonial solicitors, turned divorce consultants, with a wealth of experience working predominantly for high-net-worth individuals.

We utilise our specific expertise and experience to help ease the divorce process, minimise the tension and conflict that can arise out of a marital breakdown, and help our clients to regain control and confidence moving forward.

what we do

Margaret Atwood once famously said that “a divorce is like an amputation: you survive it, but there’s less of you”. Respectfully, we disagree. We believe that when you make informed decisions that are right for you and for your family; you learn more about yourself, re-build and thrive.

Whether you are simply considering your options, ready to proceed with a divorce, are already at an advanced stage of the divorce process, or dealing with the aftermath of one, we can help. There is no one size fits all when it comes to dealing with a relationship breakdown. We understand this, which is why our services are completely bespoke.

We can help you build a legal and wider team of professionals to help steer you through the process from start to finish, or we can work with your existing team.

The beauty of our service is that we focus on you and the practical and emotional aspects of the divorce process, allowing your lawyers to focus on the legal issues in play. 


One of the most challenging, stressful, and life-altering events that you will ever have to deal with is a breakdown of a long-term relationship. Indeed, according to the Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale – which measures the stress of different life events – divorce is listed as the second most stressful life experience a person can go through, after the death of a spouse.

The decisions that you make during the separation process will undoubtedly impact your family and your finances for many years to come. Making those decisions alone, when you are emotionally vulnerable, can result in a multitude of negative implications – yet many people feel as though they have no one else to turn to, and do not want to burden their loved ones.

We want to help those considering a divorce, or going through one to devise clear strategies that can help you make informed decisions: because when you make informed decisions, you will inevitably achieve a better outcome.

At Pierce & Groves, we offer you professional and calm objectivity to see you through the divorce process and beyond. We tailor the support we provide to the specific circumstances and requirements of each of our clients. You may decide that you do not want to divorce, and, instead, you want to work on your relationship, and that is absolutely fine – divorce is certainly not the only answer.

Similar to any good concierge service, we can facilitate any unique or challenging request. However, above all, we will act as your guide and sounding board throughout the course of our engagement.


why you need us

You would be forgiven for thinking that a divorce lawyer is all you need. However, the legal aspect is only one element of a divorce. In much the same way as when planning a home renovation, more often than not, you outsource different elements to different professionals. In our view, the same goes for your divorce.

Divorce is driven by your emotions. Your legal team focus on the law. It is not their job, nor is it cost effective, to rely on them for practical and emotional support.

As a result of our previous experience, we can identify common pitfalls before you fall into them, allowing you to focus on your recovery and moving forward with your life. This also means that when you are engaging with your legal team, and other associated advisors, you will have clarity of thought to focus on the legal aspects, ensuring that the process is more streamlined and less overwhelming.

Client testimonials

  • "Sophie supported me in my separation. Despite the best of intentions, my ex-wife and I had got slightly bogged down in a couple of thorny and emotive issues which were threatening to de-rail what we were trying to achieve. Unlike some other professionals that we both spoke to, she took the time to really listen and understand what I was trying to achieve. She then provided realistic, balanced, and not overly partisan advice - all delivered empathetically - which was a major contributor to my ex-wife and I reaching agreement shortly thereafter (and maintaining a good relationship subsequently). She also provided introductions to other excellent professional advisors when it was appropriate."

    Mr F

  • "Rebecca was recommended to me by a family friend, and I am so grateful to have met her. I was feeling incredibly anxious and upset about the breakdown of my marriage, and, frankly, terrified about the divorce process, and how this would impact upon my family and our collective future. However, immediately after speaking with her I felt reassured and empowered. My mental fog lifted too. Rebecca radiates kindness unlike anyone I have ever met, and I genuinely felt as though I had known her for years, which made our first meeting that much easier. Thank you."

    Mrs J

  • "Rebecca’s advice was absolutely invaluable at a crucial juncture in my divorce, and I would go so far as to say that it was her advice that helped me and my ex turn a corner in our settlement discussions. She helped me to understand why we had arrived at our impasse, and how a change in thinking could enable us to move forward. The combination of her experience and humour made navigating that time in my life, as well as the rather rough terrain that is divorce, bearable."

    Mr R

  • "Sophie was fantastic. She listened carefully to what I had to say about my situation and gave me some really clear and pragmatic advice about how to put myself in a good position for the future. What a superstar!"

    Mr E

  • "Rebecca is wonderful. Anyone embarking upon the divorce process should ensure that she is their first port of call for calm, impartial and knowledgeable guidance and support."

    Mrs A

  • "It gives me huge pleasure to recommend Sophie for the sensitive, warm, understanding and intelligent advice on the direction I should take on my impending divorce. I had a long telephone consultation and I felt so reassured and confident with how to go forward. Thank you so much Sophie."

    Mrs C